100% Hand made & handpainted in ceramic and fired glaze.
There’s an ancient Greek story. One day, Minos ask to his brother Poseidon a beautiful bull to offer as a sacrifice to Zeus to claim his right to rule Crete. Poseidon sent Minos a splendid bull that emerged from the sea, and it was so beautiful that Minos preferred to keep it and send it to his own herds and replaced it with another bull. But then Poseidon was furious when he found out and made Pasiphaë, Minos's wife, through Aphrodite fall in love with the fabulous bull. Later, Pasiphaë gave birth to the Minotaur, half man, and half bull. Poseidon not happy with this, transmitted his fury to the bull, causing it to raze the land where he passed. Then Eurystheus, king of Tiryns sent Heracles (Hercules) to capture the raging bull that had been wreaking havoc on Crete by uprooting crops and leveling orchard walls. Heracles sneaked up behind the bull and then used his hands to throttle it, stopping before it was killed, and then shipped it back to Tiryns. Eurystheus, who hid in his pithos at first sight of the creature, wanted to sacrifice the bull to Hera, who refused the sacrifice because it would reflect glory on Heracles, so Eurystheus released the bull and wandered into the island of Marathon, becoming known after that as the Marathonian Bull. Since then, the bull has been a symbol of strength, fury, and nobility.
Every fury is a piece of art. None of them are equal to other. Limited production. Numbered Authenticity certificate signed by the artist included.
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SKU: fury
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